Ode to Water

One of my New Years resolutions was drinking more water. Before I didn't drink enough. It is not that I didn't like water I just forgot to drink sufficient amount.
Since I started drinking plenty if water I have noticed fair few positive effects from it
- I don't get as many headaches
- My mouth always feels fresh
- My skin is more clear
- My internal functions are much...better...
- My stomach is flatter and I don't feel as bloated
- I don't get hungry as much in between meals
- It doesn't cost me anything

My work can be extremely busy and sometimes I don't even get short breaks to have a glass of water. I figured out how to incorporate 6-8 glasses of water into my daily routine:
- 1 glass when I wake up
- 1 around morning tea
- 2 around lunch time, 1 at the beginning, 1 with food or at the end
- 1 at 3 pm
- 1 when I finish work
- 1 before dinner and 1 after or with dinner

I also carry a stainless steel bottle in my gym bag and refill it with fresh water when I exercise or go for long walks.

Speaking of water...My favourite aquatic fragrance is L'Eau par Kenzo. It is very clean, fresh and timeless. It suits my body chemistry perfectly and great for work as I work with many people and understand that some can be very sensitive to strong scents. It lasts all day too!
I adore this ^ old Kenzo Ad!

However I prefer their current bottle design.

P.S Did you ended up drinking some water after reading my post? :)


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