Happy 2014...year recap and resolutions :)

2013 was full of ups and downs but overall it has been a good year for me. It was definitely a memorable one :)

I achieved most of my resolutions from 2013
- survived wedding
- did one free online post-grad course (still haven't decided what I want to study)
- stuck with my eating and exercise routine (it had to be revived few time though)
- travelled overseas and locally
- purged my wardrobe but got some new things as well
- paid off 2 out of 3 credit cards

Couple of extra thing I achieved this year
- I can run now and actually enjoy it (for the first time on my entire life)
- I've been drinking less alcohol
- Been keeping my place cleaner and tidier

...in 2014 I am hoping to
- travel more locally and overseas (I am hoping to do Japan for my 30th in November)
- read more books
- spend more time with friends and re-connect with old friends
- purge my wardrobe every season
- spend less on make-up and skincare and use things I already have
- pay off last credit card
- save some money
- continue regular exercise and healthy eating

Have you stuck to you NY resolutions? What is yours for 2014?


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