Life and Death of my Clarisonic Mia

Remember I got myself a Clarisonic Mia for my Birthday in November?

Well, it died few weeks ago. Luckily it was purchased from Myer so I got my money back (yay).

I was using it 5-7 times per week but one day it just wouldn't charge. I tried again and again but nothing happened. I was hoping that it will make my skin nice and clear before my wedding.

I can't say that I miss it. Initially my skin looked better but then it got used to it and my small breakouts on forehead came back. When it broke I haven't really noticed any changes so it was a sign that it wasn't working well for me. I'm glad that I purchased it from Myer and not from ebay or internet store, getting money back for it was the best thing ever!

My friend who used to work as Chanel Beauty SA suggested that my breakout is most likely due to sweating. She told me to clean my skin well after working out plus go the classic cleanse-tone-moisturise routine. I must admit that lately I was cleansing only at night (washing my face with water only in the morning), I was skipping the toner all together because someone told me that it is not nescessary and moisurising 2 x day.

Cleansing- toning- moisturising routine is working wonders for me! I was using my usual Clinique foaming cleanser but recently run out and switched to Clarins Foaming cleanser at night which I love-love-love. In the morning I am using Elizabeth Arden Intervene 3-in-1 cleanser, toner, primer. It is not great for removing make-up therefore perfect for AM.

I used to use alcohol-based toner to prevent pimples as a teenager. Clerasil was my favorite but I couldn't find any. So instead I got So Totally Clean toner (I think it used to be called Bonne Bell or something along those lines). The product itself is just like I remember - it cleanses skin extremely well removing remaining impurities and make-up and leaves skin refreshes. I use it only when I feel like my skin need an extra clean or if I have more pimples than usual. Otherwise I've been using Clarins alcohol-free tones with Camomile, it has very pleasant calming scent and leaves my skin feeling great.

I finish my routine with oil-free moisturiser. ATM I am alternating between Chanel Hydra Max, which is a gel-like beautifully scented moisturiser and Kiehl's Facial Fuel. The last one is actually designed for guys but I love it! It tingles my face slightly and feels very refreshing (and I am addicted to smell). It has a cream as opposed to gel consistency which is very rare with oil-free moisturisers.


  1. I've heard that the Calrisonics can be great - do you think that if you used it maybe twice/three times a week that your skin might not have been so used to it? I've considered buying one but until now have put it off..


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