OPI The Amazing Spider-man Mini Collection
OPI recently released new collection dedicated to a new Spider-man movie (yep, another one) I fell in love with two colours and was very happy to find out that they come in mini versions so I ordered Mini collection from US Into the Night - This perfect midnight blue was made for prowling. I really like thigh bright blue. It has slight purple undertones but it makes it more vivid. The formula is a bit thin so I needed three coats to get decent coverage. Number One Nemesis - Show your metal in this sparkling nickel. Looks familiar? Yes, it is a dupe of Chanel Graphite. I already have Graphite and will do a post soon comparing them two. This nail polish is simply gorgeous. Indoors it looks like steel grey with olive shimmer but under fluorescent lights or in the sun the shimmer comes alive and you can see different colours in it. Love, love, love it! Just Spotted the Lizard! - Be seen in this reptilian yellow-green. Yes, it is anoth...